- Please fill out as much information as you can
- Fields with a yellow background are
- Photos submitted by anonymous users will not be added because it will be assumed
that the photo is not being submitted with the permission of the rightful owner
- Submitting a photo does not guarantee it will be added to the roster
- Use the "Remarks" field to further describe the location of the photo, the details
of the diesel, etc.
Photo Criteria
- Only submit photos with the permission of the rightful owner
- Photo size should be at least 640px by 480 px
- File size should not exceed 500 kilobytes (0.5 megabytes)
- Image should not be blurry, grainy, or distored when possible (It is understood
that photos of older diesels may not be of good quality.)
- Diesel should be the primary subject in the photo
Submitted photos will be added to the roster following administrator approval.